Holiday Gift Shoppe Fundraiser
The last thing you want is having your kids doing an unsafe fundraiser. After all, you tell your kids not to talk to strangers, right? That is what is great about running one of our holiday gift shop fundraisers. We have the solution that fits the bill perfectly and that is our holiday shop fundraiser.
Why you will love our holiday gift shop fundraiser
Lets face it… It can be hard asking people to BUY something. Especially if it is something that they don’t want or like. Think back to the last time someone asked YOU to buy something. UGH! So you know exactly how this feels, right?
You never ask someone to buy!
Our elementary school holiday gift shop, you will never have to ASK someone to buy something again. For you see, little kids WANT to buy things when they get to your holiday shop boutique.
In fact… they can’t help it.
Imagine the glee of children surrounded by colorful posters, table cloths and rows of beautiful gifts for the people that they love.
For many of these kids it is the first opportunity they have to ever had to shop for gifts on their own. Just try and stop them from spending their money. You can’t, because they want to do something kind for others. Just watch their faces, as they shop for gifts for mom, dad and gifts for grandpa & grandma too.
Can you see the advantage of creating a fun environment where kids WANT to spend money vs. asking friends and family to BUY something? It is a totally different ball game with our holiday school boutique fundraiser.!
Our holiday gift shops are very profitable
Did you know that you can mark these gifts up an additional 20%? What could your school do with that money? We know your PTA can put this money to good use.
By the way, we include colorful parent letters for the students to bring home with them. You can be assured that mom and dad will be on board to support this fundraiser when they find out that the kids will be buying gifts for THEM.
Can you see why our holiday shop fundraiser is so successful?
How our gift certificates will make your school more money
Did you know that we also provide gift certificates?
You might be curious how these work. This allows aunts, uncles, grandma & grandpa to participate in the school fundraiser by buying gift certificates in their student’s name.
What grandma or grandpa could resist participating if they know that their grandchildren will be using the gift certificate to shop for a gift for them? There is a wide variety of gifts for grandparents, moms, dads, aunts and uncles too. Can you see how this is a win-win for everyone? Parents, grandparents, students and the school all win when you do a holiday shop fundraiser like this.
Why choose as your vendor for your next school holiday shop fundraiser?
After 50 years experience of helping schools with fundraising we have learned what works & what does not work in setting up a holiday gift shop or boutique.
- You will love the 100+ gifts that we have in our gallery. You will be impressed with the quality of these inexpensive holiday fair gifts. In fact we guarantee the quality of each one of them. Any unsatisfactory item can be returned to us with no questions asked.
- You will also love the 4 simple steps we have created to make this a proven and trustworthy system. Our clients tell us they appreciate the 25 free services we offer to ensure your success. You will enjoy reading these real life testimonials of thrilled PTA members that loved our holiday shop fundraiser.
- Additionally, you can get started today with no upfront costs. How does that sound to you so far?
- As a signup bonus you get all of these free materials and services when you give us a try. We promise you will love our sign up bonus.
- Furthermore, you can mark up the fundraising merchandise 10%-20% or more depending on how much money you are trying to raise.
- Finally, you can do away with cash registers with our free holiday shoppe cash register app.
By now you probably have a few questions about our holiday gift shop fundraiser.
One of our agents is standing by to answer every single one of your holiday store questions for you right now.
Is it after hours? Just fill out a contact form with your question, and we will get back to you shortly.
In the meanwhile request a gift shoppe free kit so you can learn more about our inschool holiday gift shop fundraiser.
You may also enjoy reading these in school holiday gift shop articles:
- School holiday shop merchandise: Our gift shoppes merchandise is backed up by our 100% satisfaction guaranty. In fact you can get a glimpse of our gift store by looking at our online gift catalog.
- School holiday shop supplies: Never have to worry about searching for holiday shop closeouts again. All of our holiday fair items are in stock. That means you don’t have to worry about ever running out again.
- Don’t make these common mistakes: Our inschool holiday gift program will knock your socks off. The kids will have a blast and their parents will love you for it.
- PTO holiday shop ideas: PTO holiday shop ideas: Gift shoppes are the in thing now. Your school deserves to have one too. Parents and teachers alike love our holiday shop fundraisers. We believe you will too. Find out why.
- Secret santa shop fundraiser: Don’t settle for an elf shelf. Explore every benefit of trying our FUN program for elementary school students.
School holiday shop ideas: Plenty of suggestions to get your holiday store idea juices flowing. Give your students the joy of giving. - School holiday shop ideas: Make these holiday season worth remembering. Try these holiday fair program ideas for yourself.
- Santa shop ideas for schools: Your PTA will certainly agree when the see the shining faces of your elementary school students. You will be filled with feelings of satisfaction as you recive feedback about these gift items from grateful parents and students.
- Fun services holiday gift shop: Are you ready to learn some of these fun school holiday shop fundraiser? Read on for yourself.