Why Choose Us?

Identifying the variables that are important to your school are seemingly endless.  For instance, you want a school gift shop that is easy to run, don’t you? You want it affordable, and you also want to make it an exciting experience for the kids. Find out the facts and choose the right holiday shop company.

Choose The Right Holiday Shop Company

The most important reason to choose Schoolholidayshop.com, in our humble opinion, is for the simple fact that we have been in business for 55 years – that’s right, fifty-five years. In that time, we have helped thousands of schools run successful holiday shops. We have learned quite a bit about the school holiday business and we pass that knowledge along to you and the children that participate in the shop. Learn the factors on how to choose the right holiday shop company.

Our site covers every aspect of running holiday shops for schools and we are always looking to improve on our skill set. If your PTA, PTO, PTSA or other parent-teacher organization is looking to run a school Christmas shop then we have the products, services and easy-to-manage technology to help make your shop a true success.

Important Factors in deciding on the best Santa Shop for your School

Find a company that has their full line of gift items online to view. So, you know what you will be sent.

A company that has experience in the school holiday fair market – we have extensive experience.

Working with a company that provides digital school shop marketing content – to help you promote the shop on social media, Facebook and other online venues.

Does the company provide an Online Holiday Shop Portal?

Additional Reasons to Choose Our Company

The older children can learn the concepts of percentages, mark-ups, accounting for funds and inventory control. The younger ones can learn about budgeting their money and more importantly they can learn the importance of “gift giving”, which is really what the holiday season is all about. The “Third Step” in the beginning stages of planning out a school shop fundraiser is to make 100% certain that you go through the calendar and make sure you can find the time in the “school calendar” to actually run the shop.