Shop Ideas For Schools – Easy and Fun and Risk Free

Are you looking for easy shop ideas for schools to raise money for your students?

Are you with a PTO or PTA looking for ways to raise money for your school?

After all of the school budget cuts today, it is certainly understandable why you are looking for new ways to raise funds. We hope these easy shop ideas for schools will be helpful to you. These are some of the best ideas we have found.

What Kind Of Shop Will You Open?

Before you open a school store, you must think about what kind of merchandise you will sell. There are basically 3 kinds of school shops to open.

Which is the best school shop to open for you? That depends on your school, because each of them has their own advantages and disadvantages. However, don’t be surprised if you open more than one store after reading this article.  The bottom line is that our shop is 100% risk free to your parent / teacher group.

School Spirit Store

A school spirit store is a great place to begin.

Imagine your school logo on backpacks, lunch bags, water bottles, tee shirts, and hoodies etc. Your school simply buys and stocks the merchandise for your students to buy.

Many schools have reported success with a school spirit shop. However, others prefer the idea of doing this as an annual fundraiser and simply taking orders. The advantage of doing it this way is that you never have to lay money out of pocket to stock your store. You simply pay for product with the money you collect from orders. Can you see why some may opt for this way of doing it ?

General School Store

This can be a fun way to pay for needed school programs. You can stock the store with school supplies, toys and snacks. Many kids have money burning a hole in their pocket to spend on things like these.

One disadvantage is that the kids will probably be tempted to eat lots of junk food. Now you can see why some schools will not stock food at their general store.

Another option is to stock healthier snack choices like nature bars, nuts and trail mix.

The other disadvantage is that you will need to constantly be stocking your store with fresh supplies. This means you will need to dedicate manpower as well as money to do this on a regular basis..

School Holiday Gift Shoppe

This is a easy shop idea that you can use for schools in conjunction with either of the other school stores mentioned above.

An in school holiday gift shop  or a school holiday boutique is an excellent way to raise money for your school. This FUN specialty shoppe is open once a year for the kids to buy gifts for their families. It has proved to be loved by the kids, parents and teachers.

One of the advantages is that you don’t have to worry about stocking holiday shop merchandise.

But what about keeping up with the holiday shop supplies? Simply call us and fresh supplies will be there in a few days.

One of our Holiday Shoppe programs offers a unique “Show and Sell Shop” that will take up very little space in your school. It allows kids to pick what they want and pay for their order up front. You simply pay for the product out of the money you receive. All of our items are then sent to you individually wrapped as gifts.

The school holiday shop can be an amazing elementary school fundraising tool. In fact, we have been helping schools with fundraising for over 50 years now.

Take a moment to look at the many items in the holiday school shop. Then call one of our school shop experts to have all of your questions answered to your satisfaction. Prove to yourself that this is one of the easiest shop ideas for schools you have ever seen.

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