SHS vs Competition

Please compare us to the competition and you will see why we are the best choice. Learn the criteria for finding the best holiday shop companies.

School Holiday Shop vs Competition

We are the leader in the school holiday shop market; we have 50 plus years of experience in the fundraising market. There are many companies that offer school gift shops, some that offer good service – and many more that do not. We urge you to compare us to the other school holiday shop competitors. After all, it’s the smart way to choose the best company. Look over what we offer. Lots of new programs to help you, our newest is our “Gift Certificate” program.

  • School Holiday Shop Competitors

    Our Customers Come First

    At School Holiday Shop Excellent Customer Service = Meeting Needs and Exceeding Expectations of Our Customers One At A Time.

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    Great Support

    Did you know you can contact us during regular business hours at 800.645.6550 or you can send us an email any time (24 hours a day)?

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    Free Supplies & Materials

    School Holiday Shop gives you everything you need for an amazing holiday event at no cost to your school so CALL TODAY!

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    New Cash Register App

    Imagine a cash register app that will make running your school holiday shop 4x faster than doing it by hand and FREE! Call now.

  • Important “Decision Making” QuestionsSchool Holiday ShopCompetition
    Have they been in business for over 50 years?YesNo
    Does the competition offer a “Show n’ Sell” option?YesNo
    Do they guarantee the quality of their merchandise 100% – no questions asked?YesNo
    Do they offer credit card purchases within their app?YesNo
    Can you quickly and easily “self-invoice” online and place multiple re-orders 24/7?YesProbably Not
    Do they offer a “Gift Certificates” program to boost sales and make it easier for parents to pay?YesProbably Not
    Do they have over 100+ (CPSIA tested) items to choose from?YesProbably Not
    Will send you 25% more merchandise than you sold last year, to avoid running out?YesProbably Not
    Is their product “Price Group” sorted with free color tent cards?YesProbably Not
    Do they provide a comprehensive Success Manual?YesProbably Not
    Do they provide Full Size 18″ x 24″ color posters to push the sale?YesProbably Not
    Do they provide beautiful color parent letters in English & Spanish?YesProbably Not
    Do they provide decorative Gift Bags in three sizes?YesProbably Not
    Do they have $1,000,000 in product liability coverage?YesProbably Not
    Does your vendor provide free fun “Volunteer Gear”?YesProbably Not
    Does your supplier provide you a personalized web page?YesPossibly
    Does supplier pay for all regular freight and overnight freight?YesPossibly
    Do they provide “Budget Envelopes” free of charge?YesPossibly
    Do they offer a “No Count Inventory” OptionYesPossibly
    Does your vendor allow you to send back whatever you do not sell?YesYes
    Do they provide all merchandise on consignment?YesYes
    Do they allow you to set your own retail prices?YesPossibly

    Download Our Pdf

    (Click PDF link button and bring to Board Meeting and Compare us to the Competition)

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    School holiday shop items for elementary school gift shops. Great value, beautiful packaging and selection.

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    Our FREE Information Kit includes a Personal Planning Guide, a products and services brochure!



    Save time with our Signup Tool. Auto-reminders via email and text. No credit card needed. All the features you need!


    Gold Client Program

    Gold Client Plan – Free School Christmas Shop Services - Call us today on 800.645.6550 for more info.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    For answers to our most asked questions please click on the button below.

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    Keep up to date with our latest articles all written to help you with your gift shop ideas.