Moms Use This App To Keep In Touch With Your Kids
Most families require two paychecks to live today. That means working moms are torn between paying bills and staying connected with their children. In fact, a recent poll found that 79% of moms struggle to find the balance to stay connected. Perhaps you can relate to that frustration. If there was only a kid friendly app for moms to keep in touch with their children.
This is where Facebook started doing research.
They found that:
- 9 out of 10 children have access to a phone or device.
- 2 out of 3 have their own phone or device.
As a result they built the Messenger Kids app. Messenger kids may be exactly what you are looking for.
Facebook Messenger Kids – An App For Moms To keep In Touch With Their Children
Many parents worry about their children being on social media. They fear their children befriending predators. They also worry about them giving out personal information. Facebook designed Messenger Kids to address your concerns.
- You control their contacts.
- There are controls over the content to make sure it is kid friendly.
- You can control the amount of time they spend on the device.
- There is even a sleep mode setting.
How do you know kids are not giving away personal information?
After all, that is what parents worry about most with their children. You will be glad to know that there are some built in systems to protect your children.
- First of all, kids can’t set up their own account. So the parents need to set it up for them.
- In addition, parents control everything from their Facebook account.
- Finally, one parent has to approve sending a friend request, while the other parent approves the friend request.
- Filters are also set up to make sure only age appropriate content is shared.
In conclusion, we hope you found this information on this app for moms to keep in touch with their children helpful. Because protecting children is of the utmost importance to us here at If you would like to learn how to set up a school holiday boutique this winter than please let us know. Your children will love it!