How to Market a School Holiday Shop Fundraiser On Facebook Successfully

Learn How to Market a School Holiday Shop On Facebook Successfully The Easy Way. So, your school holiday shop fundraiser is finally up and running. So you may be wondering about how to market a school holiday shop on Facebook successfully? Now you are pumped and ready to start connecting with parents on Facebook. You want to spread the news about your school’s holiday shop, don’t you? PTA / PTO leaders want to know How to Market a School Holiday Shop On Facebook Successfully. Before you get started, here are a few recommended tips:

How to market a school holiday shop on Facebook the right way: Don’t ‘Sell’ On Facebook

When parents log onto Facebook, the last thing on their mind is shopping in your store. If you could read the mind of a parent he/she is probably thinking:

“If another person tries to sell me something on Facebook, I’m hiding their post.”

You do not want to be the next in line to get your posts hidden. Otherwise, people will not see your best posts. To avoid this from happening, make sure your posts do not sound salesy. That includes your Facebook ads and promoted posts. Your posts and ads should focus on the ‘benefits’ of shopping in your holiday shop – not the shop itself.

Add Variety to Your Facebook Posts

Every post should not be about your holiday shop. Imagine what it would be like attending dinner with a friend, and all he ever talked about was his products. You ask him would he like to order dessert, it’s ‘on you’, and he says: “I’m full thanks! Did you know that I have over 50 items on sale in my shop? Click here to start shopping now.”

You would probably have second thoughts about inviting him to dinner ever again. In fact, you’ll probably leave the restaurant.

The same thing applies to promoting your shop on Facebook. You should have a variety of posts that offer value. Share parenting tips, parental resources, recipes, your favorite pastime and etc. The posts you share does not always have to be related to kids and parenting.

It helps to post non-related topics. Statistics show that social media pages that offer a mixture of valuable information have a higher reach. People are more likely to share posts that interest them the most.

Use Marketable Buzz Words in Your Facebook Posts & Facebook Ads

The words you use in your marketing posts and Facebook ads should instantly answer the question, “What’s in it for me?” A few buzzwords to use include: kid-friendly, safe shopping environment, parent approved, convenience, and etc.

Give people a good reason why they should support your school holiday shop fundraiser.

Use Facebook Etiquette – Don’t Become Labeled a Spammer

When it comes to social media, parents are not afraid to call people out if they engage in spam. So, if you’re thinking about in boxing people about your school fundraiser or shop, think twice before you do.

It is not only annoying to receive unsolicited messages, it goes against Facebook’s policy. In addition to unsolicited inbox sales messages, never tag people in a post unless you get the recipient’s permission first.

Facebook Group Etiquette

Although it’s okay to promote your marketing offers within a private group, make sure you are offering something of value. Post a variety of helpful tips and information that parents find useful. For example, money-saving tips, healthy kid-friendly recipes, holiday travel tips, and more. Then talk about the benefits of your holiday shop.

Marketing On Your Private Facebook Page Could Get Your Account Banned

You probably have a few parents signed up on your personal page, which is fine. Don’t promote your school holiday shop fundraiser on your facebook personal page. remember, that’s what the business page is used for.

Make sure you have a separate Facebook business page to promote your holiday shop.

It goes against Facebook’s policy to promote products and services on a personal page. You don’t want your page shut down without warning, do you?  Instead, share your fundraiser marketing post directly from your business page onto your personal page.

Take Full Advantage of Facebook Live Streaming

Consider livestreaming on your business page. Facebook allows you to also invite people to listen. So, go ahead and invite parents to listen to your livestream about your fundraiser.

If livestreaming is not your cup of tea, you can also add videos to your page. Videos and livestream posts have the highest engagement.

Take Photos of Your Holiday Shopping Day

Make sure you take high-quality photos and a short video of your holiday shopping day. Don’t forget to share them on your Facebook page. This will capture parents attention and get them excited about your holiday shopping day.

If you plan to take photos of children to post on your page, make sure you also get written permission from their parents.

In this case, it is okay to share photos of your shopping event on your private page. Facebook just doesn’t want users posting promotional posts on personal pages.

School Holiday Shop Kick Off:

In conclusion, a successful school holiday shop doesn’t just happen by accident. It requires planning and well executed marketing. So, we hope you found these facebook marketing tips helpful.

And finally, is your school interested in running an in school holiday gift shop? If so, give us a call at 800.645.6550.  We will answer any questions you might have.


School Holiday Shops

If your PTA is looking for ways to raise money for your school then setting up a school shop may…...

September 16, 2019
Frank C.
School Holiday Shop Flyer Printing