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April Important Dates

What doers April bring? The first thing that comes to mind is…April showers, bring May flowers.  I don’t know about your neck of the woods but it has been raining for days at a time here.  I am sure I am not the only one whose allergies have started. Furthermore, there are many April important dates to remember also!

Here are some April Important Dates

This year the  week long Jewish festival of Passover begins at sundown on April 10. What is Passover?

April fools day is on April 1.

Easter is celebrated on April 16.

Tax day April 18.

Earth Day is April 22.

Arbor Day is April 28.

And finally, don’t forget National Jelly Bean day on April 22 for a little fun. Let me not forget the music lovers.  National Jazz Day is April 30.

April 2017 the first full month of Spring.

April is also time for a little spring cleaning.  For lent this year, I accepted the challenge of placing at least one item a day in a bag to be donated at the end.  It has been a challenge some days. Getting rid of a pair of jeans seems to be much easier to do than placing the tea kettle that has been in the closet for the last 2 years since I purchased a new one. So, why didn’t I get rid of it then?  Pure sentiment.  Isn’t there some rule about getting rid of your stuff if you have not used it in a certain amount of time? Obviously, that applies to someone else.

Spring cleaning getting rid of the winter dust.  Cleaning out the toys and clothes that are too small.  Taking care of the little incidentals around the house like cleaning all the windows in preparation of the sun filled days. In the meantime, take advantage by taking the kids on a nature walk.  Be sure to send pictures or post the cool things you saw on your adventure.

By the way less than 80 days to summer.  Already putting working on a list of fun things to do with the kids for my this summer.  And after summer comes the fall.  So, if you are involved with the PTA and are planning a Santa shop, please keep us in mind. We offer 25 free services. And finally, its never to early to start planning a school holiday gift shoppe.