How To Do A School Holiday Shop Fundraiser Yourself

How to do a school holiday shop fundraiser yourself — Easy Vs. the HARD way

So you want to know how to do a school holiday shop fundraiser yourself…

There is no doubt about it, kids love the school holiday shop. Ask anyone that has ever had one before. Parents, teachers and students alike rave about the holiday gift shop fundraiser.

So how do you do it? Where do you start? And what’s the easiest way to go about running the school holiday shop fundraiser?

 First of all, what exactly is a school holiday shop fundraiser?

How To Do A School Holiday Shop Fundraiser Yourself

What is the biggest difference between running a holiday gift shop and a school holiday shop fundraiser?

A standard holiday gift shop allows your children to buy gifts for their family. There is no mark-up on the prices. This means the children are paying wholesale prices for the holiday gift items.

On the other hand, the holiday gift shop fundraiser means your PTA can mark up the price of the gifts for a profit. Some schools use 5%, while others use 10 or even 20% profit margins. You can use this money to pay for anything that your school needs to raise funds for.

How to run a school holiday shop fundraiser yourself

  • Pick a date
  • Pick a location
  • Get all necessary approval to hold the fundraiser.
  • Secure funding because you will need to buy everything upfront.
  • Buy all the gifts that you will be selling. (Save those receipts–you’ll need them later.)
  • Pay for the shipping costs.
  • Make sure you can replenish your stock quickly if you run out.
  • Price all of the products with the mark-up you have chosen.
  • You will need a way to tally up the prices for every item the children will buy.
  • Furthermore you will need to arrange for volunteers to help out on the day of the sale.
  • Additionally, you will need gift bags and gift boxes.
  • Don’t forget the colored tablecloth’s, decorations and posters to create a festive mood.
  • Get volunteers to help clean up afterwards.
  • Finally, return all the items you bought and didn’t sell and hope you don’t have to pay a restocking fee.
  • Hopefully after you pay for everything out of pocket, you will have made a profit!
  • And that is how to do a school holiday shop fundraiser yourself.

Many of our clients say this is the old hard way to do a DIY school holiday shop fundraiser.

How to run a fundraiser the easy way

Choose a professional elementary school holiday shop company to work with.

When you work with you get everything you need to have a successful holiday shop fundraiser.

  • We send you all of the items on consignment for free.
  • These are all custom items that you will not find at your local dollar store.
  • We pay for the shipping which saves your school money.
  • You get colored decorative tablecloths, gift bags, and posters advertising the shop.
  • Free color tent cards which describe each item.
  • You also get custom parent letters advising them all about your gift shop fundraiser.
  • You get free volunteer gear and fun gifts.
  • Your students get a free carnival kit you can use any time of the year.
  • The cash register app allows you to easily calculate the total for every little shopper.
  • Did we tell you that you can also except credit card payments with no hidden fees?
  • And finally, you get a free website to help you keep track of everything!

It’s your choice.

Do it the hard way or do it the easy way. It’s up to you.

Elementary schools all over the country earn thousands of dollars running school holiday shop fundraisers the easy way. We invite you to reach out for a free introductory phone call. Let’s find out what you are trying to do. We will custom design a school shop just for your school.

Finally we will be here to help you every step of the way to make sure your school holiday shop fundraiser is a success. We will show you how to do a school holiday shop fundraiser yourself.